Sunday, June 30, 2013

For the week of July 1-6

For the holiday week, we have a change of schedule for you...  Since our regular market day is Thursday, which is the July 4th holiday, we will be open at the Garden House for you Wednesday (July 3) from 7 AM - 1 PM.  We will also be here Thursday (same times) if you would rather come then; however, you might want to call (465-4225) to make sure what is available after Wednesday.

What should be here this week?  Tomatoes, onions, garlic, cabbage (green and purple), squash, zucchini, cucumbers, and green beans (the flat Italian variety).  In addition, our neighbors (the Pattats) will have WONDERFUL Silver King sweet corn available here....  We had some for supper tonight, and it was really great. 

Hope to see you Wednesday and/or Thursday!

Barbara and Sputt

Friday, June 28, 2013

Coming Soon!

We had a great morning at Yum Yum Gardens yesterday, as people came to buy broccoli, onions, garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, and zucchini. 

J. dug all of the garlic, and K. got almost ALL of the onions cleaned and ready to sell, while baby MK greeted and entertained everyone. 

Don't forget to visit on Thursdays from about 7 AM - 1 PM. The garden is really producing this year ~ Don't miss out!

Thought you might like to see J's predictions about what is coming up...  :-D

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Just a reminder that we will be selling from the Garden House tomorrow (Thursday, June 20). Come anytime for fresh cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, onions, garlic, yellow squash, and zucchini.  We even have a limited supply of just picked cucumbers and TOMATOES!

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow ~

Barbara and Sputt

Monday, June 17, 2013

Changes for 2013

Greetings, everyone..  We are a little late getting started with the blog this year, but things are rolling in the garden and we are open for business!

Sputt has some excellent garden help this year, since the grandsons are old enough to do some good work.  We also have built a Garden House which has room for Sputt to plant the seeds to transplant into the garden, as well as a canning kitchen and cold room. 

That means that we will be selling from the garden on Thursdays this year instead of traveling to Farmers' Markets.  If you are interested in purchasing any of the vegetables available this summer, just call (465-4225) or email ( to reserve your order. 

**  Available this week  **
Cabbage (both green and purple)
Yellow squash
Onions - incredibly sweet this year
**** TOMATOES ****

The tomatoes have already started coming in, and they are GREAT!  They are not too big or too pretty yet, but nothing beats the taste of a homegrown tomato. 

As always, all veggies at Yum Yum Gardens are homegrown without pesticides.

Looking forward to seeing you at the garden!

Barbara and Sputt