Monday, June 27, 2011

Tuesday (June 28)

Sputt will have tomatoes, blackberries, onions and garlic....  See you at the Market!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Saturday, June 25

Sputt will have tomatoes, blackberries, onions, garlic, lettuce, and herbs.

Sad news... the green beans seem to be doing like they did last summer.  With these warm nights, the plants are all beautiful vines with no green beans on them!  Sputt sold about 15 lbs. early in the season, but unless we start having some cooler weather at night, we might not have any more this summer...

See you early Saturday morning!  The Market opens at 7 AM and is located in front of the Dan Buckley Gym at 125 East High Street in Somerville.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Update for Tuesday (06/21/11)

For Tuesday, June 21: Sputt will have a FEW nice tomatoes @ 2.50 per pound, onions, garlic, and still great fresh lettuce. He will not have green beans after all - with the rain and the wedding, we are behind schedule on the green beans! There should be plenty soon, however, and they will be tender and good!
Note: this early in the season, we cannot take pre-orders on tomatoes. Thanks for understanding!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

For Tuesday, June 21

At the Farmers Market TUESDAY (June 21) - TOMATOES, green beans, squash, onions, and garlic!  Update on Saturday:  Sputt's not sure if he will be at Market this Saturday (18th), but if you are interested in homegrown tomatoes, be there early Tuesday!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Market News: Tues. June 14

For Tuesday:  Sputt should have lettuce, onions, garlic, a few cabbage, and wonderful GREEN BEANS!

No tomatoes to sell yet, but I've been helping him clean out and cage the tomatoes and can report that it is a good thing I'M not setting the Farmers Market prices, or you wouldn't want to pay what I would charge for tomatoes!!  :-)   

If all goes well, he should have tomatoes to sell Saturday morning... 

Friday, June 10, 2011

Farmers Market - Saturday, June 11

Do you have a request for produce or would like to reserve something?  Click on the title of the post and leave a comment!  We will be glad to get back with you...

Sputt has been working in the garden all week in this 100+ heat, getting things ready for upcoming Market days.  The tomatoes are turning, and we've eaten several this week; however, it will still be a few more days before he will have them at the Farmers Market.  (Sorry, but if you know me at all, you know that I LOVE tomatoes!)

I can't say enough about the onions and garlic this year; they have been fantastic.  In addition to those, he will have a lettuce, cabbage, mint, basil, and some Peabody duck eggs.  We are going to have a handfull of green beans for supper tonight, so it won't be long before those will be ready to sell.

The Pattats will be there Saturday with some sweet corn, so if you would like to be the first on your block to have homegrown sweet corn this year, you'd better get there early!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Farmers Market - Tuesday, June 7

This will be the first "full" week for the Fayette County Farmers Market - full meaning both Tuesday and Saturday!  Sputt will have the sweetest onions, garlic, lettuce, yellow squash and zucchini, fresh basil and thyme.  We're hoping other vendors will also begin appearing...   Green beans, peaches, squash, radishes and even tomatoes are beginning to make their presence known on the dinner tables - just not in enough quantity to sell yet..

Don't forget to go early;  the Fayette County Farmers Market opens at 7 AM in front of Dan Buckley Gym, and the vendors often sell out pretty quickly. 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Farmers Market Open for 2011!

The Fayette County Farmers Market officially opens at 7 AM June 4 at the pavillion in front of Dan Buckley Gym. 

Sputt will be there with five varieties of the best onions he has ever grown:
  • Contessa (a white sweet onion)
  • Yellow Granex (same as that FAMOUS sweet Georgia onion....)
  • Texas Sweet (large sweet yellow onion)
  • Candy (another yellow sweet)   and
  • Red Candy (just waiting on a hamburger!) 
He also has some wonderful large garlic, fresh garden lettuce, and homegrown basil, oregano, and thyme ready for the market.  He might have a little asparagus and English peas, but I won't promise.... Those are almost gone, and I'm a little stingy with them!

Coming Soon:  yellow squash and zucchini.  The tomatoes should be ready in another 10-14 days, and the green beans are looking GREAT.

You are always welcome to come by the farm for fresh veggies if you can't make it to the Farmers Market!