Friday, June 10, 2011

Farmers Market - Saturday, June 11

Do you have a request for produce or would like to reserve something?  Click on the title of the post and leave a comment!  We will be glad to get back with you...

Sputt has been working in the garden all week in this 100+ heat, getting things ready for upcoming Market days.  The tomatoes are turning, and we've eaten several this week; however, it will still be a few more days before he will have them at the Farmers Market.  (Sorry, but if you know me at all, you know that I LOVE tomatoes!)

I can't say enough about the onions and garlic this year; they have been fantastic.  In addition to those, he will have a lettuce, cabbage, mint, basil, and some Peabody duck eggs.  We are going to have a handfull of green beans for supper tonight, so it won't be long before those will be ready to sell.

The Pattats will be there Saturday with some sweet corn, so if you would like to be the first on your block to have homegrown sweet corn this year, you'd better get there early!

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